13.07.2024 19:27 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

OpenAI whistleblowers call for SEC probe into NDAs that kept employees from speaking out on safety risks

OpenAI’s NDAs are once again under scrutiny after whistleblowers penned a letter to the SEC alleging that employees were made to sign “illegally restrictive” agreements preventing them from speaking out on the potential harms of the company’s technology. The letter, which was obtained and published online by The Washington Post, accuses OpenAI of violating SEC rules meant to protect employees’ rights to report their concerns to federal authorities and prevent retaliation. It follows an official complaint that was filed with the SEC in June. In the letter, the whistleblowers ask the SEC to “take swift and aggressive steps” to enforce the rules they say OpenAI has violated. The alleged violations include making employees sign agreements “that failed to exempt disclosures of securities violations to the SEC” and requiring employees obtain consent from the company before disclosing confidential information to the authorities. The letter also says OpenAI’

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