08.07.2024 13:18 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Morning After: NASA’s year-long Mars simulation volunteers return to the real world

NASA’s Mission 1 crew — all volunteers — have left their 1700-square-foot habitat at the Johnson Space Center. Since last June 25, they’ve conducted a fair few simulated Mars walks, grown vegetables and performed other tasks designed to support life and work in that environment. They also faced (a simulation of) the stressors actual space travelers to Mars could experience, like 22-minute communication delays with Earth. After 378 days in a mock Mars habitat, the four volunteers for NASA’s yearlong simulation of a stay on the red planet are coming home. The crew — Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell and Nathan Jones – left the 3D-printed habitat in Houston on Saturday evening. Do you feel like you’d like to live in fake space? There are plans for two more one-year missions. One has already closed applications, but the third is scheduled for 2026. — Mat Smith The biggest stories you might have missed Still Wakes the Deep is a modern horror classic

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