02.07.2024 20:54 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Meta is changing its policy for the most-moderated word on its platforms

Meta is changing a long-running policy regarding the Arabic word “shaheed,” which has been described as the most-moderated word on the company’s apps. The company said in an update to the Oversight Board that use of the word alone would no longer result in a post’s removal. The Oversight Board had criticized the company for a “blanket ban” on the word, which is often translated as “martyr,” though, as the board noted, it can have multiple meanings. Meta’s previous policy, however, didn’t take that “linguistic complexity” into account, which resulted in a disproportionate number of takedowns over a commonly used word. Shaheed, the board said earlier this year, “accounts for more content removals under the Community Standards than any other single word or phrase,” across the company’s apps. In its latest update, Meta said that it had tested a new approach to moderating the word following a recommendation from the board. &l

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