02.07.2024 17:36 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

iPhone 16 Could Feature Advanced Camera Sensor From Samsung

Apple is testing advanced CMOS image sensors (CIS) from Samsung that could debut in the iPhone 16 later this year, The Elec reports. Apple is currently conducting a final quality assessment on CMOS image sensors provided by Samsung System LSI, the logic business unit of Samsung, according to the report. These sensors are slated for use in the main camera of the upcoming ‌iPhone 16‌. Historically, Apple has exclusively sourced CIS for its iPhones from Sony, but recent developments are said to indicate a strategic pivot away from the Japanese supplier due to concerns about reliability and the need to incorporate new technologies into its camera system. The decision to engage Samsung is said to stem from issues Apple faced with Sony last year. Apple requested that Samsung begin the development of new image sensors in 2023 after Sony failed to deliver them in a sufficiently timely manner, which contributed to difficulties in setting a launch date for the iPhone 15. If Samsung passes the ongoing

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