01.07.2024 23:27 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Midjourney is creating Donald Trump pictures when asked for images of “the president of the United States.”

Midjourney, a popular AI-powered image generator, is creating images of Donald Trump and Joe Biden despite saying that it would block users from doing so earlier this year ahead of the upcoming US presidential election. When Engadget prompted the service to create an image of “the president of the United States,” Midjourney generated four images in various styles of former president Donald Trump. Midjourney When asked to create an image of “the next president of the United States,” the tool generated four images of Trump as well. Midjourney When Engadget prompted Midjourney to create an image of “the current president of the United States,” the service generated three images of Trump and one image of former president Barack Obama. Midjourney The only time Midjourney refused to create an image of Trump or Biden was when it was asked to do so explicitly. “The Midjourney community voted to prevent using ‘Donald Trump’ and ‘Joe Biden’ during electi

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