01.07.2024 21:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Sims 4’s Lovestruck expansion lets you dive into a steamy polyamory sandbox

The new Lovestruck expansion pack for The Sims 4 gives the decade-old sequel a shot of life by turning it into a full-fledged dating sim — including non-monogamous WooHoo-ing for the first time. In addition to polyamory, the $40 DLC adds an in-game dating app, an encounter-planning system, turn-ons and turn-offs and a swanky singles club where Leisure Suit Larry (apologies for the dated reference) would feel right at home. The expansion pack takes your Sim to Ciudad Enamorada, “a gorgeous city in love and the perfect place for all of your romantic encounters.” It includes three neighborhoods for all the dangerous (if you’re into that) liaisons your Sim’s gibberish-speaking heart can handle. Your Sim can meet, flirt, spark romance or even rent a room at “Beso Rápido” for a quickie WooHoo. They’re no longer boxed into monogamy, letting you set up dates with as many partners as your Sim wants. EA The Cupid’s Corner app (in the game, not on your phone)

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