25.06.2024 18:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Snapchat is making it harder for strangers to contact teens — again

Snapchat is, once again, beefing up its safety features to make it harder for strangers to contact teens in the app. The company is adding new warnings about "suspicious" contacts and preemptively blocking friend requests from accounts that may be linked to scams. It’s not the first time Snap has tried to dissuade teen users from connecting with strangers in the app. The company says the latest warnings go a step further in that the alerts rely on “new and advanced signals” that indicate an account may be tied to a scammer. Likewise, Snap says it will block friend requests sent by users who lack mutual friends with the requestee, and "a history of accessing Snapchat in locations often associated with scamming activity.” The app’s block feature is also getting an upgrade so that users who block someone will also automatically block new accounts made on the same device. These updates, according to the company, will help address sextortion scams that often target teens across social

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