25.06.2024 18:18 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

ChatGPT is now available in many Volkswagen models

ChatGPT is now available with many Volkswagen models, including all vehicles in the electric ID family, the new Golf, Tiguan and Passat. This integration is only in Europe, for now, with North America coming soon. What does this mean exactly? ChatGPT has been integrated into Volkswagen’s own voice assistant IDA to complement the service and add more features, sort of like how Apple is handling its own partnership with OpenAI’s platform. This means that customers can better communicate with the vehicle using natural language, which allows the assistant to “answer questions about various topics.” IDA could already handle voice-controlled climate adjustments and navigation, but the addition of ChatGPT should make everything run a bit smoother. Volkswagen also says that the updated voice assistant can provide information on tourist attractions, report on football games and help solve math problems. You know, all of the stuff that regular ChatGPT is used for, only in a car. To that end, Vol

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