25.06.2024 16:09 Uhr, Quelle: AppleInsider

Beats Pill review: Premium, but worth the money

In an utterly unsurprising announcement on Tuesday, the Beats Pill is back 12 years after the original release in an upgraded revival that is a warning shot to the rest of the Bluetooth speaker industry.Beats Pill review: Back and better than everIn the portable speaker market, the Beats Pill is one of the most iconic. Over a decade old, the speaker became a must-have item, and even received an improvement in the form of the Beats Pill .However, after its 2015 launch, Apple discontinued the Pill+ in January 2022. It left the Apple subsidiary in a position where it only sold headphones and earphones, with speakers dropped from the catalog. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

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