25.06.2024 15:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Google’s Nest Learning Thermostat is $85 off right now

Wellbots has Google’s highly rated Nest Learning Thermostat on sale for $85 off. This elegant circular gizmo learns your heating and cooling habits and adjusts accordingly, making home temperature maintenance about as effortless as you could expect. Typically $249, Engadget’s exclusive coupon code ENGDTNLT85 brings the third-generation model down to $164. The Nest Learning Thermostat helps reduce energy usage (and time spent thinking about your home’s temperature) by automating climate adjustments to fit your habits. After a week or so of studying your tendencies, it creates a schedule to maintain what it observed. If you want to make changes, you can still do that through the Nest app (available for iOS and Android). The thermostat can also adjust automatically depending on whether anyone is at home. It uses sensors and your phone to determine when everyone is away, setting temperatures accordingly for energy savings until someone returns. If needed, the Nest app lets you make changes

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