10.06.2024 20:45 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Siri Can Access ChatGPT Directly With iOS 18

Apple today announced that Siri will be able to access ChatGPT directly to provide better responses in relevant situations. ‌Siri‌ will determine if queries may be useful to forward to ChatGPT, and asks permission to share. Users can ask questions related to text, documents, photos, PDFs, and more. ‌Siri‌ will leverage GPT-4o for free, with no need to create an account. Requests will not be logged. ChatGPT subscribers will also be able to access paid features within the experiences.Tag: ChatGPTThis article, "Siri Can Access ChatGPT Directly With iOS 18" first appeared on MacRumors.comDiscuss this article in our forums

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