03.06.2024 20:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Leaked Google database reveals its secret privacy and security failures

A collection of leaked internal Google privacy cases provides a rare glimpse into the company’s volume and handling of breaches, accidents and other incidents. 404 Media obtained and pored through the database, which covers thousands of internally flagged privacy and security issues from 2013 to 2018.  Google verified the trove’s authenticity with Engadget but claimed some of the reports were related to third-party services or didn’t end up being cause for concern. “At Google employees can quickly flag potential product issues for review by the relevant teams,” a company spokesperson wrote to Engadget. “When an employee submits the flag they suggest the priority level to the reviewer. The reports obtained by 404 are from over six years ago and are examples of these flags — every one was reviewed and resolved at that time. In some cases, these employee flags turned out not to be issues at all or were issues that employees found in third party services.” 404

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