30.05.2024 21:18 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

OpenAI has a has a new version of ChatGPT just for universities

OpenAI is bringing ChatGPT to college campuses across the country. On Thursday, the company announced ChatGPT Edu, a version of ChatGPT built specifically for students, academics, faculty. “ChatGPT Edu is designed for schools that want to deploy AI more broadly to students and their campus communities,” the company said in a blog post. ChatGPT Edu includes access to GPT-4o, OpenAI’s latest large language model that the company revealed earlier this month. OpenAI claims that the model is much better than its previous versions at interpreting text, coding, and mathematics, analyzing data sets, and being able to access the web. ChatGPT Edu will also have significantly higher message limits than the free version of ChatGPT and allow universities to build custom versions of ChatGPT trained on their own data — confusingly called GPTs — and share them within university workspaces. OpenAI claims that conversations and data from ChatGPT Edu won’t be used to train OpenAI’s mode

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