30.05.2024 14:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Morning After: Sony apologizes for fabricated ‘interview’ with Last of Us studio head

Last week, Sony published a seemingly innocuous round of interviews that centered the company’s nebulous “creative entertainment vision”. Neil Druckmann, head of the Sony-owned game studio Naughty Dog, was one of those — but his interview wasn’t quite what it seemed. Druckmann, who headed the team behind The Last of Us series, was apparently wildly misquoted by his own employers. A few days after the interviews were published, he took to X and said, “This is not quite what I said.” He even posted a section of the original interview transcript, which was hugely different. Sony has since pulled the interview and issued an apology on the old page, saying the article had significant errors and inaccuracies, encompassing “animation, writing, technology, AI and future projects.” So, if all that was inaccurate, what was accurate? — Mat Smith The biggest stories you might have missed The best VPN service for 2024 Fitbit’s new wearable for kids has a d

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