23.05.2024 21:27 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Google plans to run a fiber optic cable from Kenya to Australia

Google said on Thursday it will build a fiber optic cable to connect Africa and Australia. Named Umoja (a Swahili word meaning “unity”), one end of the cable will start in Kenya and pass through Uganda, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa (with access points for the countries) before crossing the Indian Ocean to the land down under. Google says the project is designed to “increase digital connectivity, accelerate economic growth, and deepen resilience across Africa.” In addition to the cable itself, the company says it will work with the Kenyan government to boost cybersecurity, data-driven innovation, digital upskilling and responsibly and safely deploying AI. Umoja will join Equiano, Google’s private undersea cable running between Portugal and South Africa (with pitstops in other nations). Google says the new route is critical to strengthen network resilience in the region, which has a history of “high-impact outages.” In

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