23.05.2024 17:36 Uhr, Quelle: AppleInsider

System Settings getting shuffled again in macOS 15, among other UI tweaks

Apple is going to rearrange menus and app UIs across macOS 15, with System Settings seeing the biggest reorganization since the app was redesigned.macOS 15 will introduce a new icon for Siri and a layout change for System SettingsFor its upcoming operating systems, Apple has decided to make changes to the built-in System Settings application. Individual settings within the app will be reorganized based on priority and overall importance, people familiar with the matter have told AppleInsider.For example, the section which encompasses notifications and sound settings will be moved lower in the list. The move is accompanied by different music and audio-related improvements, including smart song transitions and a new "Passthrough" feature for certain audio hardware. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

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