22.05.2024 09:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The best free games in 2024 that you can start playing today

No, you don’t have to spend $60 or more on a brand new title to play a new, good game. These days, courtesy of in-app payments and the ease of offering both a sample of a title alongside its full-fat version, there are actually plenty of great games to play that won’t cost you a dime. And quality has never been higher across mobile, PC and consoles, so regardless of which platform or device you prefer using, you’ll find a number of great free games to choose from. This is our list of the best free games you can play right now, so consider this your no-credit-card-required starting point. This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/best-free-games-163045609.html?src=rss

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