17.05.2024 13:18 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The Morning After: Grand Theft Auto 6 is coming fall 2025

One of the biggest, most iconic gaming series is almost back. Grand Theft Auto 6 is apparently on track for a fall launch next year — a little more specific than the previous release window of “2025.” There’s no new trailer, and GTA publisher, Take-Two, is not quite ready to offer a specific release date. CEO Strauss Zelnick told Variety: “I think we’re going to leave it there for now.” The sixth mainline installment will be set in Leonida (Rockstar’s Florida equivalent) and focused mostly on Vice City (Miami). Compared to GTA Vice City, however, it’ll be contemporary. So, I’m banking on OnlyFans pastiches, vapes, self-driving cars and everything else 2020s. Plus explosions and crime. — Mat Smith The biggest stories you might have missed Uber will soon let you reserve a shuttle to get home from a big concert or ballgame Samsung’s Music Frame gets its first discount on Amazon The best PC games out there (but we need to add Balatro) ​

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