17.05.2024 11:45 Uhr, Quelle: AppleInsider

iPhone 16 Pro Max to get new battery that could last longer

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo reports that the iPhone 16 Pro Max will get a new battery that has a greater energy density than before, which means a longer life if Apple keeps the battery to the same size.A battery being taken out of an iPhone (Source: Apple)As the iPhone 16 range is believed to be starting mass production ahead of its September launch, most rumors have concentrated on the screen sizes and camera bumps in the range.However, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo says that there is to be a quite radical redesign of the battery, specifically in the iPhone 16 Pro Max. As well as an increased energy density of the battery cells, it will also be encased in stainless steel instead of the previous aluminum. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums

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