16.05.2024 19:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

YouTube reportedly agrees to block videos of Hong Kong’s protest song inside the region

YouTube said it would comply with an order blocking access to videos of Hong Kong’s protest anthem inside the region, according to The Guardian. The platform’s decision comes after an appeals court banned the protest song “Glory to Hong Kong,” which the largely China-controlled government (predictably) framed as a national security threat. Alphabet, YouTube and Google’s parent company, followed its familiar playbook of legally complying with court orders undermining human rights while issuing statements puffing up its advocacy for them. “We are disappointed by the Court’s decision but are complying with its removal order,” YouTube’s statement to The Guardian said. “We’ll continue to consider our options for an appeal, to promote access to information.” Alphabet reportedly told the outlet the block would take effect immediately inside the region. It added that it shares the concerns of human rights groups that it could deal a blow to onlin

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