15.05.2024 19:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Android 15 will make it harder for phone thieves to steal your data

After shirking tradition and devoting its entire Google I/O keynote to showcase how it’s stuffing AI into everything imaginable, the company has reserved day two to catch up on the one-time star of the show, Android. Alongside the arrival of the second Android 15 beta on Wednesday, Google is unveiling previously unannounced security features in its 2024 mobile software, including AI-powered theft detection, Google Play fraud protection and more. Theft Detection Lock is a new Android 15 feature that will use AI (there it is again) to predict phone thefts and lock things up accordingly. Google says its algorithms can detect motions associated with theft, like those associated with grabbing the phone and bolting, biking or driving away. If an Android 15 handset pinpoints one of these situations, the phone’s screen will quickly lock, making it much harder for the phone snatcher to access your data. A fallback Remote Lock feature lets you quickly lock your handset if someone manages to take it without

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