06.05.2024 18:27 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The latest 15-inch M3 MacBook Air is $150 off right now

The latest and greatest 15-inch M3 MacBook Air is on sale right now for $1,150 via Amazon. This includes a sale discount of $100 plus a clipped coupon for $50, bringing the total price drop to $150. That’s not a bad deal for a laptop that just came out a couple of months ago.  We were surprised by just how much we enjoyed this computer, as the larger screen truly makes a significant difference when compared to the standard MacBook Air. We found that the big display allowed for longer periods of use before getting fatigued, which was aided by truly excellent battery life. This thing easily lasts an entire workday, with Apple suggesting 18 hours of battery life before requiring a charge. One of our only complaints about the M2 MacBook Air was regarding the chip itself, as the computer could struggle with certain intensive tasks. That’s been fixed with the inclusion of the M3 chip. It’s not as powerful as the M3 Pro, of course, but it certainly gets the job done, and then some. This is a

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