In celebration of Pokémon Day (the first games launched on February 27, 1996), The Pokémon Company revealed the franchise’s latest “Legends” entry on Tuesday. Pokémon Legends: Z-A returns the series to Lumiose City, last seen in Pokémon X and Y on the Nintendo 3DS. The game arrives on Switch in 2025.
Developed by Game Freak, Pokémon Legends: Z-A’s trailer and press materials only provide a minimal glimpse at the upcoming title. The Pokémon Company describes it as “an exciting new adventure” and “an ambitious new entry” as the company tries to wrestle the narrative back from its guns-blazing off-brand counterpart Palworld. (That fast-growing title has already gotten the attention of The Pokémon Company’s legal team.)
A prancing Pikachu in wireframe minimalism.The Pokémon Company
The trailer teases an urban redevelopment plan in a mysterious metro area, finally revealed as Lumiose City. Within the game