29.02.2008 19:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Apple to Control 3rd-Party iPhone Applications

Source:iLounge iLounge was able to obtain information about the SDK iPhone, specifically on how Apple plans to implement software distribution: -- Mandatory distribution (unsurprisingly) via iTunes and the iTunes Music Store, which will serve as a server. -- Apple reserves the right (also no surprise) to accept or reject software, not only based on quality but also at their disgression. -- The SDK will not allow (no surprise, once again) the interactivity with new devices like GPS, microphones, etc In short, Apple is Apple. They announced the SDK under pressure due to the release of an unofficial version and the explosion of informal applications, but will ultimately continue to try to do what is natural in the corporate culture: maximize control of their dear product, the iPhone, even if only in their head.

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