29.02.2008 18:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

More out of our 8800GT overclock

After the first test of an overclocked 8800 GT, we decided to go further in our endeavors to reflash a 8800 GT. Before continuing, we should warn you: -- The overclocked card we have is not the one provided by Apple, but another PC-flashed card. It has a newer, more efficient heatpipe than Apple's card. -- Though the overclock that we have achieved yesterday was relatively simple and rather dangerous, the technique we are proposing today would certainly not be supported by all cards. This time, we have decided to go much further, and after verifying that the card was supported under Windows, we have pushed the GPU to 721 MHz, the ROPS to 1802 MHz and RAM to 2042 (2x1021) MHz. Here are the results obtained under GLview: Top: results of the card at base settings Center: results of yesterday's trial (roughly 7% performance gain)

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