28.12.2023 20:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Apple is selling its contested Watch models again after import ban pause

The Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 wearables are back on sale via the manufacturer. We knew this was coming yesterday, after a federal appeals court in Washington D.C. granted a temporary pause on an import and sales ban. The ban could be reinstated on January 10, when the International Trade Commission (ITC) decides on whether to grant Apple a longer pause. It could also come back on January 13, which is when the same agency makes a decision regarding Apple’s redesign of both smartwatches. All told, the ban lasted little more than a day and really only impacted consumers purchasing directly from Apple, as the devices were readily available from third-party retailers. Apple told Engadget it’s “pleased the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has stayed the exclusion order while it considers our request to stay the order pending our full appeal.” At the heart of the issue is a lawsuit issued by medical technology company Masimo, which alleges that the blood oxygen sensors used

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