25.02.2008 15:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony's new DSC-W300 brings 13.6 megapixels to point-and-shoots

Filed under: Digital Cameras Tired of taking candid shots with your point-and-shoot that can barely stretch over the state of Nevada? Sony's got those megapixels in spades with its new DSC-W300, the new top-end shooter in its W lineup. In addition to the 13.6 megapixel sensor, the camera sports a 2.7-inch LCD, 3x optical zoom, optical image stabilization and up to ISO 6400 shots in "extra high sensitivity" mode. The camera also brings along Sony's Smile Shutter tech, and other fancy processor capabilities, including a limited burst mode. The DSC-W300 will be available in May for about $350.

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