Last week we told you about our experiences vis-a-vis the iPhone and the latest hacks for sim unlocking.
Since then things have changed and protections for iPhone have now been undone in large part by the famous Geohot.
The latest hack lets you change the bootloader of the iPhone, ie the first piece of code that loads the the hardware drivers, the software that tells the iPhone what it is. The bootloader contains basic information on the iPhone, and these were exploited in its first draft, stamped 3.9.
Apple has responded by offering a new bootloader, 4.6 in the latest equipment (roughly since the launch in England) , which removed these flaws and is relatively reliable. However, its reliability has also been compromised, at least in a certain way.
A flaw has been found and allows easy reflashing of the iPhone to the previous bootloader (3.9)with the software