20.02.2008 19:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Dell adds Penryn to Inspiron laptop lineup

Filed under: Laptops Ooh, like we're so surprised Dell. The ever-popular Inspiron series of laptops is getting Intel's latest inside, with the Insprion 1720 configurable with up to a T9300 2.5GHz Penryn processor for as low as $1,199, while the Inspiron 1420 does up to a T8300 for as low as $924. Granted you'll probably want to pair Penryn with more than the base specs (or you might be able to skim some more off those prices if you really work at it), but it's not hard to nab yourself a well-specced Penryn machine for well under $1,500. Our only questions is, what's taki

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