20.02.2008 18:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

MyRacer MF101 handheld does gaming first, media second

Filed under: Gaming, Handhelds First things first -- Americans can keep dreaming on this one, as we're looking at yet another curious creation that probably won't wander far beyond the borders of South Korea. MyRacer's MF101 handheld can certainly play nice with a few audio / video formats -- AVI, MP3, WMA, WAV, JPEG and BMP, for starters -- but the control pad flanking each side of the 2.4-inch 320 x 240 resolution display gives away its true calling. Reportedly, it sports a Flash-based interface that enables users to sort through titles on their SD card or the 1GB of internal memory, but details are fuzzy on what games it'll actu

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