11.09.2023 17:45 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

How to watch Apple’s iPhone 15 event

Apple’s iPhone 15 event is upon us, as we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new. You can watch the stream right here and marvel at the spate of announcements beamed live from Cupertino. The keynote, subtitled “Wonderlust”, begins promptly at 1 PM ET, or 10 AM in the sunny environs of Apple’s California’s campus. As always, we’ll also have in depth coverage on each announcement as they happen.So what’s the company planning on unveiling? It’s a September keynote, typically referred to as the fall iPhone event, so the iPhone 15 will almost certainly take center stage. You can expect the typical offerings, with a standard iPhone 15, an iPhone 15 Plus, a high-end iPhone 15 Pro and the even higher-end iPhone 15 Pro Max (which might get rebranded to iPhone 15 Ultra.)As for specs, leaks indicate that the iPhone 15 will kick off the USB-C era, finally eschewing the proprietary Lightning port. This move comes after European regulations forced Apple to adopt a more u

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