19.02.2008 13:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A 128 Gb 1.8" SSD

Source : MTRONMtron has announced that they'll start producing 128Gb 1.8" SSD's. The announcement is still vague, but it appears that the drives will be equipped with MLC memory, assuring a speed of 100 Mb/s for reading, but only 40 Mb/s for writing. One should keep in mind that 1.8" drives are typically even slower than regular-sized drives. When we want to know whether these drives will be supported by the MacBook Air, we need to know which interface they'll support (ZIF ATA for the MBA), their height (max 5mm for the MBA) and of course the price if we want Apple to support it as a BTO - this will probably be the biggest problem. [translation by xavier]

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