19.02.2008 00:05 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

HP rumored to be prepping UMPC "lifestyle accessory"

Filed under: HandheldsDetails are pretty light on this one but, according to Crave, HP recently dropped word in an "informal chit-chat" that it is now prepping its very first UMPC, which apparently could hit the market as early as late spring of this year. Most interestingly, HP reportedly said that "you won't even need to consider this purchase," adding that, "you'll buy it like a handphone without a thought". What's more, HP also apparently boasted that one of the "key areas of improvement" would be in battery life, although unsurprisingly didn't get any more specific than that. Even more vaguely, HP went on to describe the device as a "lifestyle accessory," which would cater to "professionals as well as yo

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