15.02.2008 18:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Using the MacBook Air's USB Ethernet adapter on another Mac

Like the Superdrive, MacBook Air's USB-Ethernet adapter was announced as being compatible only with this machine. Simply, if it is connected to another Mac, it will be seen, but not work. Christophe, however, has found a way to make it work in an optimal way on any machine that runs OS X 10.5.2. For this, simply go to the Sustainable Softworks website, which sells IPNetRouterX software, download and install the USBAx8817x 1.0.3b10 driver, which can be found on their download page. It is an open source driver for other adapters, but works very well with Apple's. http://www.sustworks.com/site/downloads.html [translation by CliveAtFive]

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