15.02.2008 16:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

AKE's BlueCom 102 pocket repeater keeps bikers in sync

Filed under: Wearables, Wireless There's really nothing worse than knowing some helpless soul is grappling on to you with absolutely no way to join you in an incoming call from that weird guy from CIS 430. Okay, so maybe that's a stretch, but AKE is looking to solve said quandary by offering up its BlueCom 102 pocket repeater. Essentially, this unit enables two motorcycle helmets to communicate with each other via Bluetooth, and of course, any BT-enabled handset can be mixed in, too. Sadly, a price for the setup has yet to be disclosed, but it does appear as if the repeater itself will be sold separately or bundled in with a p

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