04.08.2023 19:54 Uhr, Quelle: AppleInsider

Ransomware attackers are targeting US healthcare and education services

The USA is now seeing more ransomware attacks than the next 22 most-affected countries combined, according to a new report that expects the number of incidents to rise sharply.Security research firm Malwarebytes has previously reported on the different approaches bad actors take to users of Macs compared to PCs. Now in its latest annual report, the writers say there were 1,462 reported ransomware attacks in the US alone."Over the last 12 months, education and healthcare were the most beleaguered sectors in the US outside of services," says Malwarebytes in its report. "They received so many attacks that if they were countries, they would be the fourth and sixth most attacked in the world, on either side of Germany." Read more

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