27.07.2023 00:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The $9,995 Fuell Fllow electric motorcycle is available for pre-order today

Erik Buell, best known for founding Buell Motorcycles, announced Fuell, his new electric motorcycle venture, back in 2019. In that same announcement, he said that Fuell would begin work on its first electric motorcycle: the Fuell Fllow. Following though a few years later, Fuell is giving us more details on the Fllow and opening pre-orders today.The Fllow is a mid-sized motorcycle that claims to have the capacity of a larger bike, with 10 gallons of total storage in addition to space for a passenger. It features 150 miles of city range on a full charge and uses the CCS connector for charging. You can expect to fully charge in about 30 minutes with a Level 2 charger and between one and a half to two and a half hours for a standard home charger. In a pinch, you’re looking at around eight hours when plugged into a standard 110/220V home outlet. While the bike’s standard CCS connector is widely available in North America, we’ve seen a recent uptick in major car brands adopting Tesla’s NACS

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