26.07.2023 15:09 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

The man behind the USB-C iPhone rebuilt the AirPods Pro case to make it repairable

Robotics engineer Ken Pillonel, known for creating a makeshift USB-C iPhone and AirPods, has revealed his next project. The modding wunderkind has deconstructed Apple’s AirPods Pro case and built a custom repairable version. Pillonel is sharing the design for free, allowing enterprising self-repair enthusiasts with a knack for engineering to make their own.Pillonel has already tackled the AirPods Pro with a custom replaceable printed circuit board (PCB). However, his new project attempts to dissect the earbuds’ entire case, offering a complete blueprint for others to do the same — with 3D-printed sections and a few (cheap) afterparty parts. “Most gadgets are designed without repairability in mind, unlike the durable technology of the past that seemed built to last,” Pillonel wrote, noting that iFixit gave the second-gen AirPods Pro a dismal zero repairability score. “It is troubling to see design choices like non-replaceable batteries, glued-in components, and a lack of tra

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