21.07.2023 20:09 Uhr, Quelle: Macrumors

Apple Gearing Up for Launch of Vision Pro Developer Kits

Apple is gearing up to provide developers with resources to create apps and experiences for the Apple Vision Pro headset, and yesterday, the company added new backend visionOS resources to its codebase. Code for updating the battery pack that powers the Vision Pro has been introduced, along with other ‌visionOS‌ assets needed for test versions of the device. Apple appears to have three different model numbers for Vision Pro batteries, including A2781, A2988, and A2697. It is not clear why there are three separate numbers when Apple has only announced two-hour battery life for the device, but there could be multiple battery packs in development or there could be additional battery options that will be used solely in Apple Stores for testing. The code additions come ahead of when Apple plans to introduce development kits to select developers. Apple on its developer website says that it plans to introduce ‌Apple Vision Pro‌ developer kits and other developer tools starting in July, an

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