01.02.2008 01:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

GE unveils the geotagging 10 megapixel E1050, eight other new cams

Filed under: Digital Cameras We've harshed on GE's cameras before, but the company showed up at PMA with a new model called the E1050 (pictured) that's actually pretty slick. The 10 megapixel shooter features a 5x optical zoom, HD-res video mode, HDMI out, a 3-inch touchscreen, and an integrated GPS radio that syncs up with your computer to automatically geotag your shots. All for just $249 -- even if thing takes just average pictures, that's quite a bargain. We'll have a hands-on soon, and read on for specs on the rest of GE's 2008 lineup, all of which include face

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