31.01.2008 10:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
Eazo desktops offer ultra-luxe style at merely super-luxe prices
Filed under: Desktops
For those of you too cheap to pony up for that $700,000 diamond-encrusted Jupiter desktop we saw yesterday, China's Eazo is willing to throw down the luxe for less than a tenth of the price -- which still means the X70, pictured here, stil costs $45,500, but hey. The distinctive machine features a 3GHz Q9550 Core 2 Quad, two NVIDIA 8800GTX graphics cards, 4GB of RAM, light-up liquid cooling, a 10,000rpm 150GB drive backed up by a 7,200rpm 500GB drive, 7.1-channel sound, and Vista Ultimate, all wrapped up in an easy-access case with pneumatic door hinges. Of course, you can custom-configure systems well past the $70K mark (and down to just $9K), but if you're
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