15.01.2008 15:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Reactrix WAVEscape: like the Wii, but for advertising

Filed under: GamingWe know, it's far too easy to link gesture-based anything to the Wii these days, but the Reactrix WAVEscape actually does favor the console's approach on most every level. Officially announced at CES, the system was devised by TYZX and Reactrix and is destined to lure susceptible civilians that pass by commercial displays. Essentially, the company hopes to create an "engaging advertising experience" (saywha?) by enabling consumers to interact with the ads by simply moving their arms / hands and having those motions recognized by an integrated "3D camera." Regrettably, it seems as if this technology isn't headed to the living room anytime soon, but that's what your Wii is for, right?

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