In reply to <a href="">Herd shmerd</a>.
ExactlyLOTS of real concrete verifiable data is now available that shows that this Wuhan virus and COVID-19 condition is FAR FAR MORE contagious that previously thought AND it is FAR FAR LESS deadly than previously FEARED.
It is also showing that all this effort that started out as social distancing and quickly morphed into social isolation has made little difference on the impact of this virus (see N. Korea and Sweden vs Norway as examples).
And in NO WAY is a vaccine needed to help get beyond this (remember that 99% of people HAVE and ARE recovering and 100% of recovered individuals have done so WITHOUT a vaccine).
Yet the secondary effects on our society (financial health, mental health, domestic abuse and violence, other medical conditions not treated properly, etc), is arguably far greater and is likely to be with us for a ve