In reply to <a href="">BOB</a>.
Can you really compare the virus to a bomb? A bomb drops on your neighborhood of 100 residents in roughy 25 houses, maybe 25 to 50 people are killed. Covid-19 sweeps through the same neighborhood and maybe 1 or 2 people die and, no offense, the are both probably 70+ years old, obese and diabetic. Should we sacrifice the livelihoods of 25 households (roughly 100 people) to save two people? I don’t have the answer. Do you?
I just don’t see how we can remain in our houses without jobs until a vaccine (might be) is available in ANOTHER YEAR. Personally, my family and I won’t make it until the November election. We will be homeless by then. Jobless and homeless. Sorry about those two 70 year olds, but I need to get back to work soon.
Right now, I only hear two messages.
Let’s make a plan to reopen the states gradu