In reply to <a href="">TxUser</a>.
Since the Executive Branch doesn’t have a time machine to undo the damage that has led to thousands of American deaths, he could at least up his game.
A start might be to stop issuing contradictory messages. He needs to promote the guidelines for “opening America” that his own task force developed (and save lives). He needs to stop encouraging Americans to flout those very same standards (which will cost lives). He needs to support the governors, rather than attacking them for things that are actually his fault.
Most of all, he needs to man up and admit his past mistakes, apologize to the American people, promise to do better, and keep that promise. That is about as likely as Richard Nixon owning up to the Watergate horrors instead of trying to cover them up. If he had done that, he would still have beaten McGovern. If Trump were to do it Ju