When I first got started in education in October of 2009, the school I went to work for was still running Exchange 2003 for their email. Users who were using iPhones were using IMAP since native ActiveSync required Exchange 2007. One of the first things I planned to do was migrate everyone to “Google Apps for Your Domain” (what G Suite was previously known as) sooner than later. That Christmas, our Exchange Server was offline for two days after a simple shut down to install a new USPS. That downtime showed me that we needed to move quickly, and I went to work over the Christmas holidays to do just that. I made the switch to G Suite in February of 2010, so I am coming up on ten years of using the service. Even Apple-focused enterprises are likely using either G Suite or Exchange 365, so I wanted to discuss the benefits of what cloud services (G Suite in my case) has brought to my Apple-focused organization. more…