Orders placed after 3pm on Friday will be despatched on Monday. International deliveries can take a while to arrive. Please check your tracking number using the couriers website as appropriate. GA-H61M-D2H-USB3 S H61 MATX Gigabyte Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-H61M-D2H-USB3 Motherboard Socket without BP Motherboards GIGABYTE 6-series B3 Stepping Motherboards GIGABYTE Super4™ GA-H61M-USB3-B3 Motherboard GIGABYTE GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 Дънни платки Stay In Touch GIGABYTE GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 Дънни платки However if you do have any problems please feel free to contact us. A higher SNR[…]