I am in the midst of training for a marathon in late October, so I’ve been inching my runs up ever so slightly. Last weekend, I did a nine-mile run. While you are reading this, I am probably in the middle of a ten-mile run. I plan to keep inching my weekend long runs up ever so slightly until I hit eighteen or so. Since I’ve been in training mode, I am realizing some of the edge cases where Activity Rings fall apart for people who train frequently. When I woke up last Sunday, the last thing I wanted to do was exercise again. My legs were sore from running fifteen miles in the previous two days. While I didn’t run early that morning, I did go out and run a 5k that evening in order to close my rings. And I’d be lying if I said my Activity Competition with Zac Hall wasn’t weighing on me in the back of my mind. During my run that Sunday evening, I brainstormed on some ways that Apple could tweak Activity Rings to make them better suited for people who do heavy weights or heavy cardi