Alle JustMac-News vom 08.12.2024
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08.12.2024 24:00 Uhr
You can now get a yellow charging brick for $5 to match your Playdate’s cable
As spotted by a Reddit user this weekend, Panic is now selling a macaroni yellow charging brick to go with the yellow cable that comes with the distinctively yellow Playdate. Say yellow again. The good news for anyone who wants a complete set of matching accessories is that it’s only $5 — the bad news is that shipping costs almost double that at its cheapest, so it’s kind of hard to justify buying on its own.
Also note that the 10W power adapter has a USB-A connection so it’ll work with your existing Playdate charging cable, but it’s otherwise kind of behind the times considering the general shift toward the USB-C connection. At the moment, Panic is only selling a version that’s compatible with the 2-prong plug type that’s standard in North America and Japan. It goes without saying that absolutely no one needs this — our Playdates have been charging just fine without it so far — but if you’re already on the site getting a pizza case now that the
08.12.2024 23:09 Uhr, Engadget,
08.12.2024 23:00 Uhr
Apple sued over 2022 dropping of CSAM detection features
A victim of childhood sexual abuse is suing Apple over its 2022 dropping of a previously-announced plan to scan images stored in iCloud for child sexual abuse material.Apple has retained nudity detection in images, but dropped some CSAM protection features in 2022.Apple originally introduced a plan in late 2021 to protect users from child sexual abuse material (CSAM) by scanning uploaded images on-device using a hashtag system. It would also warn users before sending or receiving photos with algorithically-detected nudity.The nudity-detection feature, called Communication Safety, is still in place today. However, Apple dropped its plan for CSAM detection after backlash from privacy experts, child safety groups, and governments. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
08.12.2024 22:54 Uhr, AppleInsider,
Crime blotter: MacBooks stolen from Glendale Apple Stores, UPS robberies, and porch pirates
A man went to the Apple Store to pick up a new MacBook Pro that he had purchased, only to find that someone else had impersonated him and grabbed it. The same thing, it turned out, had happened to someone else at a nearby Apple Store.The Apple Store in Glendale, Calif. The latest in an occasional AppleInsider, feature, looking at the world of Apple-related crime. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
08.12.2024 22:54 Uhr, AppleInsider,
Verkehrsschild selbst basteln: Ist das erlaubt?
In einigen Ortschaften scheinen die Straßen geradezu zum Rasen einzuladen. Darf man da ein Verkehrsschild auf seinem Privatgrundstück aufstellen, damit die Autofahrer vom Gas gehen? Ein entsprechender Fall ist vor Gericht gelandet und gibt Aufschluss.
08.12.2024 22:09 Uhr, CHIP,
08.12.2024 22:00 Uhr
Apple sued for failing to implement tools that would detect CSAM in iCloud
Apple is being sued by victims of child sexual abuse over its failure to follow through with plans to scan iCloud for child sexual abuse materials (CSAM), The New York Times reports. In 2021, Apple announced it was working on a tool to detect CSAM that would flag images showing such abuse and notify the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. But the company was hit with immediate backlash over the privacy implications of the technology, and ultimately abandoned the plan.
The lawsuit, which was filed on Saturday in Northern California, is seeking damages upwards of $1.2 billion dollars for a potential group of 2,680 victims, according to NYT. It claims that, after Apple showed off its planned child safety tools, the company “failed to implement those designs or take any measures to detect and limit” CSAM on its devices, leading to the victims’ harm as the images continued to circulate. Engadget has reached out to Apple for comment.
In a statement to The New York Times about the l
08.12.2024 21:36 Uhr, Engadget,
Here’s everything we’re expecting with Apple Pro Display XDR 2
Apple introduced the in 2019 with its $4999 price tag, no included stand, and an optional Pro Stand for $999. Since then, despite all of the advancements in display technology, Apple has left it untouched. While there isn’t a ton to go off of, there are a couple of smaller details that give us an idea on what Apple is working on.
08.12.2024 21:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
08.12.2024 21:00 Uhr
‘Hysterical’ Podcast receives show Of the year award
Hysterical, a true crime podcast made by Dan Taberski, has been awarded the Apple Podcast Show of the Year award in 2024, where shows are recognized yearly for podcasting innovation and quality. The 7-part series debuted in July, with the podcast reaching the Top Shows chart and climbed its way up to the number one […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
Beats Solo Buds receives firmware update
Apple rolled out the first Beats Solo Buds firmware update since their launch in June of this year, with a 3A130 build number, up from firmware 3A112 which was the software the earbuds came with. No information is known yet about what to expect with the new update because Apple does not usually provide any […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown now available on Mac
On December 3rd, the game Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown was made available on the Mac App Store, letting people who own a Mac download and finally play the game since its release at the start of this year. Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown is a game made by Ubisoft, with the action-adventure […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
The Beats Studio Buds is $70 Off
Get 47% off the Beats Studio Buds on Amazon! Be in control with 2 listening modes- Transparency mode which lets you hear what’s going on in your surroundings, and ANC or Active Noise Cancelling mode which blocks out external sounds so you can have better focus when on a call, listening to music or a […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
Spotify Wrapped now available
The annual recap for Spotify called “Spotify Wrapped” is now available on both iOS and Android, letting you see your most listened-to songs, genres, artists, podcasts and the minutes you’ve spent listening, along with graphic generation for you to share on social media platforms. This year, Spotify features an AI twist where they have collaborated […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
iPad Pro with new M5 Chip may start mass production next year
Ming-Chi Kuo, an Apple industry analyst, reports that the iPad Pro will be equipped with the next generation M5 Chip and is anticipated to begin mass production next year around the second half. The main assembler for the iPad Pro with M5 chip will be BYD Electronics from China, which would likewise be their exclusive […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
The AirPods 4 with ANC is $40 Off
The AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancelling is $40 off, marking the price at an all-time low for the earbuds on Amazon. Powered with the H2 chip with adaptive audio makes for a perfect combo for the Active Noise Cancelling feature and Transparency Mode. The ACN feature helps reduce the noise outside for an immersive […]
08.12.2024 20:54 Uhr, iPodlounge,
Apple discontinued these 15 products after its fall releases
Apple’s had a very eventful fall, with a jam packed September event, an iPad mini 7 launch in mid October, followed up by an “exciting week of announcements” at the end of the month.
With all of those new product announcements, there were also a number of discontinuations of older products, meaning they’re no longer available to purchase from the Apple Store. However, there’s still good deals to find on last gen products from third parties.
08.12.2024 20:09 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
08.12.2024 20:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 19:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 18:00 Uhr
iPhone 17 Air angeblich 2 mm flacher als iPhone 16 Pro
Nach Informationen des Bloomberg-Autors Mark Gurman wird das iPhone 17 Air wahrscheinlich zwei Millimeter dünner sein als das aktuelle Topmodelle iPhone 16 Pro. Die Modellreihe 2025 wird insgesamt flacher sein, die aus dem iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, iPhone 17 Pro Max und iPhone 17 Air bestehen wird. Superdünnes iPhone 17 Air Laut dem Bloomberg-Autor
08.12.2024 17:45 Uhr, apfelnews,
Apple Vision Pro could soon work with PlayStation VR2 controllers
Apple and Sony have quietly been working on bringing PlayStation VR2 controller support to the Apple Vision Pro, Mark Gurman reports in the Power On newsletter. Gaming isn’t exactly the Vision Pro’s strong suit, thanks in part to the fact that it doesn’t support typical VR controllers. But Apple has reportedly approached Sony in hopes to remedy that. According to Gurman, the two partnered up earlier this year, and Sony has been working on the project for months.
Apple and Sony planned to have support for PS VR2’s Sense controllers ready by now, but the launch has been delayed as they iron out a few issues, Gurman notes — like the fact that Sony doesn’t produce and sell the controllers separately from its headset at the moment. Barring a scenario in which the project is “abruptly scrapped,” though, Gurman reports that we should still expect to see it happen. The ability to use Sony’s controllers with the Vision Pro headset would bring benefits beyond its ga
08.12.2024 17:27 Uhr, Engadget,
08.12.2024 17:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 16:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 15:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 14:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 13:00 Uhr
Highlights der Woche: Unser Technik-Adventskalender ist erfolgreich gestartet
Bereits Monate vorher starten die Vorbereitungen für unseren jährlichen Technik-Adventskalender, der ja schon seit gut einer Woche läuft. Wir haben zahlreiche Telefonate geführt, E-Mails geschrieben und Kontakte geknüpft, um euch einen wirklich tollen Kalender mit noch besseren Gewinnen anbieten zu können. Unser Dank geht natürlich auch an unsere Partner, ohne die solch ein Adventskalender gar […]
08.12.2024 12:18 Uhr,,
08.12.2024 12:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 11:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 10:00 Uhr
appgefahren Adventskalender: 8. Türchen mit der Tigerbox
Wir testen Jahr für Jahr etliche Gadgets, doch nur die wenigsten davon haben so einen „Impact“ auf uns wie die Tigerbox. Nachdem mein Sohn einen anderen Kinder-Lautsprecher zu langweilig fand, sind wir vor mittlerweile knapp zwei Jahren auf die Tigerbox umgestiegen. Und es war die beste Entscheidung, die wir hätten treffen können. Für ein paar […]
08.12.2024 09:54 Uhr,,
08.12.2024 9:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 8:00 Uhr
Sparfuchs ändert seine Meinung: Warum ich jetzt Apples AirPods Pro gekauft habe
Ihr kennt mich, unnötige Ausgaben versuche ich stets zu vermeiden. Ein iPhone nutze ich schon mal mehrere Jahre. Wenig verwunderlich konnte ich bisher auch nicht davon überzeugt werden, 200 Euro oder mehr für lausige AirPods auf den Tisch zu legen. Doch diese Einstellung hat sich geändert, und meine Bestellung für die AirPods Pro ist schon unterwegs. Wie kam es jetzt zum Sinneswandel? Dies verrate ich euch in der heutigen Ausgabe der Wochenendkolumne hier bei GIGA.
08.12.2024 07:09 Uhr, MacNews,
08.12.2024 7:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 6:00 Uhr
08.12.2024 1:00 Uhr
Meet the next level Macbook battery protection – Chargie for Laptops
Technological advancements have meant that devices are lasting longer than ever. But one of the first parts to go is often the battery. Laptop batteries can especially be a problem, since many of us keep our laptops plugged in much of the time. But there’s a new solution designed to improve your battery health: Chargie.
Despite Apple and other device makers having solutions for battery aging that sets charge limits at 80% automatically, the reality is it isn’t always reliable or available or on older devices that don’t support the feature. Chargie makes it easy by giving you the ability to manually adjust the charging limit along with a fully controllable daily scheduler to keep the battery at a much safer 50% or 60% while you can, and also have it at 90 or 100% at times when you need longer battery life.
08.12.2024 00:45 Uhr, 9to5Mac,