Alle JustMac-News vom 30.03.2024
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30.03.2024 23:00 Uhr
30.03.2024 22:00 Uhr
NYC’s business chatbot is reportedly doling out ‘dangerously inaccurate’ information
An AI chatbot released by the New York City government to help business owners access pertinent information has been spouting falsehoods, at times even misinforming users about actions that are against the law, according to a report from The Markup. The report, which was co-published with the local nonprofit newsrooms Documented and The City, includes numerous examples of inaccuracies in the chatbot’s responses to questions relating to housing policies, workers’ rights and other topics.
Mayor Adams’ administration introduced the chatbot in October as an addition to the MyCity portal, which launched in March 2023 as “a one-stop shop for city services and benefits.” The chatbot, powered by Microsoft’s Azure AI, is aimed at current and aspiring business owners, and was billed as a source of “actionable and trusted information” that comes directly from the city government’s sites. But it is a pilot program, and a disclaimer on the website notes that it “
30.03.2024 21:45 Uhr, Engadget,
30.03.2024 21:00 Uhr
30.03.2024 20:00 Uhr
Das passiert, wenn Sie täglich Schokolade essen
Manche haben eine große Vorliebe für Schokolade und könnten diese täglich verzehren. Aber welche Auswirkungen hat diese Nascherei auf den Körper? Welche sowohl positiven als auch negative Folgen dies haben kann, verraten wir.
30.03.2024 19:36 Uhr, CHIP,
30.03.2024 19:00 Uhr
If you have an iPhone with AT&T, your info has probably been stolen
AT&T is finally resetting passcodes for current customers after hackers stole a trove of customer data more than two years ago.The vast majority of the compromised passcodes belong to some 65.4 million current and former AT&T customers. However, the company has reset passcodes for 7.6 million of its current customers, in the typical abundance of caution often cited.The passcodes are usualy four-digit numbers used to help verify customer accounts when they are being accessed by customers or AT&T support staff. No account passwords were compromised in the breach.Although the passcodes and other information were encrypted, it remains possible to decipher the data. In addition to the passcodes, the data leaked includes customer names, dates of birth, home addresses, phone numbers, and Social Security numbers. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
30.03.2024 18:27 Uhr, AppleInsider,
30.03.2024 18:00 Uhr
AT&T resets millions of customers’ passcodes after account info was leaked on the dark web
AT&T says 7.6 million current customers were affected by a recent leak in which sensitive data was released on the dark web, along with 65.4 million former account holders. TechCrunch first reported on Saturday morning that the company has reset the passcodes of all affected active accounts, and AT&T confirmed the move in an update published on its support page. The data set, which AT&T says “appears to be from 2019 or earlier,” includes names, home addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth and Social Security numbers, according to TechCrunch.
TechCrunch reports that it alerted AT&T about the potential for the leaked data to be used to access customers accounts on Monday, after a security researcher discovered that the records included easily decipherable encrypted passcodes. AT&T has since said that it’s launched an investigation into the issue, but so far “does not have evidence of unauthorized access to its systems resulting in exfiltration of the data set.”
30.03.2024 17:18 Uhr, Engadget,
AT&T resetting account passcodes after data leak impacting 73M current and former users
AT&T is resetting customer account passcodes after acknowledging a 2019 data leak. As reported by TechCrunch, the leak included customer records affecting 70 million current and former AT&T users. This marks the first that AT&T “acknowledged that the leaked data belongs to its customers.”
The leaked data includes customer names, home addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and social security numbers.
30.03.2024 17:00 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
30.03.2024 17:00 Uhr
GenAI, AI Summit & mehr: Das war das CloudFest 2024 aus Intel-Sicht
4 Tage lang durfte ich auch dieses Jahr vor allem für Intel, aber auch als Mediapartner das CloudFest 2024 medial begleiten. Herausgekommen sind 9+1 Videos. Von den neun Intel-bezogenen soll in diesem Beitrag die Rede sein. Zwei Tage vor meiner Abreise gen Europapark Rust hatte ich es vorweg zusammengefasst, was Intel auf dem diesjährigen CloudFest … Mehr über "GenAI, AI Summit & mehr: Das war das CloudFest 2024 aus Intel-Sicht" Lesen
30.03.2024 16:36 Uhr, IT-techBlog,
30.03.2024 16:00 Uhr
Top Apple-related stories this week (March 25-29)
Here are the top Apple-related articles at Apple World Today for the week of March 25-29. ° Apple retail staff will soon be able to update new iPhone software while it’s still packaged. ° The European Commission has opened non-compliance investigations against Apple and Meta. ° Apple has released macOS Sonoma 14.4.1, which contains several bug fixes. […]
30.03.2024 15:27 Uhr, MacMinute,
30.03.2024 15:00 Uhr
30.03.2024 14:00 Uhr
Apple lädt französische Apple Store Mitarbeiter zum Vision Pro Training ein
Laut einem Bericht lädt Apple in diesem Sommer die Mitarbeiter aus seinen Apple Stores in Frankreich zum Vision Pro Training ein. Aktuell ist das Mixed Reality Headset nur in den USA erhältlich, doch im Verlauf des Jahres soll die Markteinführung in anderen Ländern weltweit erfolgen. Vision Pro Training für Apple Stores Frankreich Wie die Website
30.03.2024 13:54 Uhr, apfelnews,
30.03.2024 13:00 Uhr
New iPad Pro and Air models coming in May
Apple will be unveiling the new iPad Air and iPad Pro models in May, according to Mark Gurman. The Bloomberg analyst mentioned that the upcoming iPad Air and iPad Pro will be moved from March to May, with significant updates. The iPad Air is believed to come in a new larger 12.9-inch size along with […]
30.03.2024 12:18 Uhr, iPodlounge,
Immersive video on Vision Pro arriving on 2023 MLS Playoffs
A new ‘immersive video’ feature will be arriving for the Vision Pro headset. In February, Apple mentioned that the MLS Playoffs will have Spatial Audio and a 180-degree field of view courtesy of 8K 3D recording, which allows viewers to ‘feel every heart-pounding moment’ associated with these games. The Immersive Video will have a ‘best […]
30.03.2024 12:18 Uhr, iPodlounge,
15W Qi2 wireless charging a feature on iOS 17.4
MacWorld claims that iOS 17.4 will bring 15W wireless charging via Qi2 technology. The publication reported that the iPhone 12 was able to carry 15W charging on a Qi2 wireless charger after updating to iOS 17.4. Under the Qi2 wireless charging, the iPhone now shows an animation whenever 15W charging is present. MacWorld used an […]
30.03.2024 12:18 Uhr, iPodlounge,
The Apple AirTag 4-Pack is $24 Off
Having a reliable device tracker can pay off in more ways than one. Today, the AirTag 4-Pack is down to just $74.99 from its original price of $99 on Amazon. The AirTag complements your Apple device ecosystem nicely and integrates with the Find My network to find small items in a pinch. You can keep […]
30.03.2024 12:18 Uhr, iPodlounge,
30.03.2024 12:00 Uhr
Ist Sommerzeit gesundheitsschädlich?
Zweimal im Jahr steht die Zeit im Fokus, wenn wir unsere Uhren um eine Stunde vor- oder zurückstellen. Die Zeitumstellung kann erhebliche Folgen für unseren Biorhythmus haben und sogar zu gesundheitlichen Problemen führen. Hier erklären wir, worauf jeder achten sollte.
30.03.2024 11:54 Uhr, CHIP,
30.03.2024 11:00 Uhr
30.03.2024 10:00 Uhr
Cara Check Baterai Health di Windows 11
Cara Check Baterai Health di Windows 11Perkembangan Windows makin hari makin kian pesat dan bahkan banyak fitur diberikan untuk pelanggannya salah satunya kesehatan baterai atau battery health. Namun banyak yang bingung bagaimana cara melihat baterai health di Windows seperti layaknya di Apple atau MacOS.Kali ini saya akan berikan tutorialnya dan penjelasanya bagaimana cara melihat baterai health di Windows 11 yang kian menarik.Berikut langkah-langkah melihat baterai health di Windows 11:Buka command promp dengan mode administratorSetelah muncul ketik perintah powercfg /batteryreport /output "C:atterai.html"Kemudian buka drive C tempat menyimpan file html yang barusan dibuatMaka akan tampak di browserProses selesaiUntuk lebih jelasnya ada pada video berikut ini:Semoga tutorial bagaiman cara melihat baterai health di Windows 11 ini bisa bermanfaat dan berguna dan jangan lupa share ke sosial media kalian.
30.03.2024 09:36 Uhr, mobileTicker,
Apple will Chips auf Glas bauen
Apple will die Verwendung von Glassubstraten in zukünftigen Geräten erforschen. Das könnte enorme Vorteile bieten. Die Chipstrukturen könnten feiner werden und die Prozessoren damit deutlich schneller.
30.03.2024 09:18 Uhr, Maclife,
RCS-Support für das iPhone kommt im Herbst 2024
Im November letzten Jahres kündigte Apple offiziell an, dass RCS-Support im Jahr 2024 für das iPhone verfügbar sein wird. RCS steht für Rich Communication Services und ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit iMessage. Obwohl die Funktionen ähnlich sind, bleibt iMessage ein geschlossenes System für Apple-Nutzer. Mit RCS können iPhones jedoch mit Android-Smartphones in der Nachrichten-App kommunizieren. RCS […]
30.03.2024 09:00 Uhr,,
30.03.2024 9:00 Uhr
Vorstellung Velodyne Acoustics MiniVee X: Einer der spannendsten Subwoofer überhaupt
Wer einen lebensechten, vollständigen und kraftvollen Klang erwartet, braucht Lautsprecher, die ordentlich Tiefbass liefern können. Ich spreche dabei nicht unbedingt von Krachbumm-Bässen für Hollywood-Explosionen. Auch für den Musikgenuss ist ein tief in den Keller reichender Frequenzbereich von großer Bedeutung.
Eine Lösung sind Standlautsprecher mit viel Gehäusevolumen und großen Basstreiber
30.03.2024 08:18 Uhr, MacTechNews,
30.03.2024 8:00 Uhr
Gratis-Spiele: Epic Games verschenkt Thief und The Outer Worlds
Der Epic Games Store gibt einen Ausblick auf die kommenden Gratis-Spiele der nächsten Woche. Dieses Mal mit dabei ist die 2014 erschienene Neuauflage von Thief (Test) und das Rollenspiel The Outer Worlds (Test). Beide Titel sind vom 04. April bis zum 11. April um jeweils 17:00 Uhr kostenfrei im Shop erhältlich.
30.03.2024 07:36 Uhr, ComputerBase,
30.03.2024 7:00 Uhr
30.03.2024 3:00 Uhr
Apple @ Work: The biggest issue facing Apple fleets today? It’s tool sprawl
Apple @ Work is exclusively brought to you by Mosyle, the only Apple Unified Platform. Mosyle is the only solution that integrates in a single professional-grade platform all the solutions necessary to seamlessly and automatically deploy, manage & protect Apple devices at work. Over 45,000 organizations trust Mosyle to make millions of Apple devices work-ready with no effort and at an affordable cost. Request your EXTENDED TRIAL today and understand why Mosyle is everything you need to work with Apple.
A few weeks ago, an IT manager I know called me out of the blue to chat. Our conversation naturally led to the state of his Apple fleet, their management challenges, and what they were working on for the future. Outside of security challenges and concerns, he came back to an issue that I think many companies are dealing with: tool sprawl.
30.03.2024 02:18 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
30.03.2024 2:00 Uhr
‘App Lock’ lets you protect and hide any app from the iPhone Home Screen
iOS provides developers with an API to lock apps with Face ID or Touch ID. However, not every app has this option, and there’s no way to completely hide apps from your device. Luckily, “App Lock” is a simple but powerful app that helps users protect and even hide any apps on their iPhone and iPad. Read on as we detail how the app works.
30.03.2024 01:09 Uhr, 9to5Mac,
30.03.2024 1:00 Uhr
LinkedIn is testing a TikTok-like feed for vertical video
LinkedIn is testing a new feed of TikTok-like vertical videos. The feature hasn’t been publicly announced but it’s been spotted by users in recent days and the company confirmed the tests to TechCrunch.
According to a screenshot shared by Instagram employee Jenny Eishingdrelo and a video posted to LinkedIn by influencer marketing exec Austin Null, the new feed will appear in a separate “video” tab in the LinkedIn app. Users will be able to scroll vertically to move between clips, much like TikTok or Instagram Reels.
It’s not the first time the company has hopped on a trendy format. LinkedIn previously experimented with a Stories feature for disappearing posts. That feature lasted less than a year, though the professional network hinted at the time that it wasn’t done with its video experiments, saying it was working “to evolve the Stories format into a reimagined video experience across LinkedIn.”
Presumably, LinkedIn is hoping the feed will showcase content fr
30.03.2024 00:45 Uhr, Engadget,